Fake news, deepfake e outras ameaças virtuais

os desafios da responsabilidade civil na rede mundial de computadores


  • Gustavo Tanger Jardim Caixa


Freedoms, World Wide Web, Responsability, Fake News, Deepfakes


The study aims to carry out a reflective examination of virtual threats and the legal consequences of those who abuse the right to freedom of expression on the internet. To achieve this scope, an analysis will be carried out based on civil-constitutional law, given its undeniable relevance. In the quest to consolidate the conceptual bases on freedom of expression on the world wide web, the work delves into the assumptions of civil liability and verifies how abuses are being combatted by higher
courts, especially fake news. If that wasn’t enough, the study also covers new threats linked to technological advancement, especially Artificial Intelligence, which is used to create deepfakes.

Author Biography

Gustavo Tanger Jardim, Caixa

Advogado da CAIXA no Rio Grande do Sul.
Mestre em Direito Civil pela UFRGS.
MBA em Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas UNIRITER/RS.



How to Cite

Jardim, G. T. (2024). Fake news, deepfake e outras ameaças virtuais: os desafios da responsabilidade civil na rede mundial de computadores. Revista De Direito Da ADVOCEF, 20(36), 15–28. Retrieved from https://revista.advocef.org.br/index.php/ra/article/view/397



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